
Ruth Lieberman and Shulie Mishkin are tour guides who study the Daf Yomi. We have noticed that so many discussions in the Gemara hinge on an understanding of the realia of the time. Our generation is fortunate to live in an era when we know more about archaeology and the ancient world than we ever did before. Our return to the land of Israel has opened our eyes to the world of our ancestors. This blog is a modest attempt to show Torat Eretz Yisrael, the knowledge that we have from living in the land of the Tannaim and Amoraim. We stand on the shoulders of giants: Professor Yehuda Felix, Professor Noga HaReuveni, the Safrai family and many others who have showed us the way. We welcome any and all contributions to this attempt to learn with "Eretz Yisrael eyes."


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