Why was the Temple destroyed?
Massechet Yoma, Daf 9
Throughout Massechet Yoma, we get a glimpse into life with the Beit Hamikdash, the holy Temple, intact. On daf 9, for example, we're told the reasons for the destruction of Jerusalem's holiest place.

The Second Temple, our sages tell us, was destroyed due to unbased hatred among brothers. The Temple authorities were widely perceived as corrupt. Josephus, the first century Jewish historian writing from the Roman court, tells us in his book "The Jewish War" that during the siege of Jerusalem the generals said there's no need to attach the city, the Jews will kill each other..."
A talented friend and teacher, Michelle Farber, teaches a daily daf class, available online. Here are her thoughts on the Temple destruction, as taught through the daf:
Was the temple destroyed because of corrupt Jewish leadership? Did Jews in the Byzantine period miss a chance to transform Jewish history by not moving to Israel? Incredibly, both these contemporary issues appear in today's daf yomi: http://www.dafyomi4women.org/daf/2013/11/יומא-ט/
Archaeological evidence for these theories? We invite our readers to submit ideas and sources, and we'll follow up with examples of our own. Waiting to hear from you!
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