
Showing posts from March, 2014
Seeing is believing Sukkah 51 In its list of superlatives (the greatest party, greatest building, etc) our Gemara includes the Great Synagogue in Alexandria: “if you have not seen the diploston of Alexandria in Egypt, you have not seen the honor/glory of Israel.” We then have a fabulous, hyperbolic description of a synagogue that could hold over one million inhabitants and that had to use flags in order to signal to the crowds when to say amen. My favorite detail in the story is how the people sat according to their professions, so that when a poor stranger arrived, he would go directly to his profession’s section and get help and job tips. What was the community of Alexandria that it had such an amazing edifice? Alexandria was one of the major cities of the ancient world and today it is still the second largest city in Egypt. Situated on the Meditteranean: Map: Esoteric Quest website it was ideally located for trade. One of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world, ...