Springtime blooms
Springtime blooms Shabbat Daf 126 Making space for unexpected Shabbat guests? No worries, it's not considered prohibited work - you are allowed on Shabbat to clear out those few boxes from the den for them. Extra people for the weekly afternoon shiur? Our rabbis agree that you can exert some effort shlepping to make room, it's for a mitzvah. Today's daf delves further into the types of foods stored up, and whether they can be moved on Shabbat . If it has a use, it isnt muktzah, and one of the most common uses in Talmudic times was feeding your animals. Here's where the fun begins: what plants were in use then, what was common to the Land of Israel and how was it used? Our list mentions lupines , the big purple 'bottle-brush' flower found in the rolling hills of Israel's lowlands and lower Galilee. You can catch them in full bloom in the Elah Valley on historic Tel Socho, site of David's victory over giant Goliath; and in the Galilee...